
Dubai Property Market

Business, Locations, Travel and Tourism

Pursuing on the Airbnb Dream in the UAE: A Journey of Hospitality and Home

Dubai, known for its luxury lifestyle and stunning architecture, is rapidly becoming a hotspot for Airbnb investments. The city’s unique blend of ultra-modern amenities, cultural heritage, and year-round sunshine is attracting a diverse array of tourists, making it an ideal location for short-term rentals. The recent relaxation of regulations around vacation rentals has further fuelled this boom, providing more opportunities for property owners to capitalize on the influx of visitors. Areas like Business Bay, Downtown Dubai, Dubai Marina, and Palm Jumeirah are particularly popular, offering high returns on investment due to their proximity to major attractions and breathtaking views.

Economic Surge: How Airbnb is Powering Dubai's Growth

This burgeoning market is not only benefiting individual property owners but also contributing significantly to Dubai’s economy. The increased demand for short-term accommodations is driving the hospitality industry, creating jobs, and boosting local businesses. Investors are drawn to the relatively high rental yields compared to other global cities, and the government’s pro-tourism policies are enhancing the city’s appeal. As Dubai continues to position itself as a premier global destination, the opportunities for lucrative Airbnb investments are set to grow, promising sustained economic growth and vibrant tourism dynamics.

Manal's Success Story: From Passion to Prosperity in Dubai's Airbnb Market

One such investor riding this wave of opportunity is “Manal AlAnsari”, an Airbnb host who has found both personal and financial fulfilment in this venture. Manal’s journey into Airbnb hosting began with a desire to share Dubai’s vibrant culture and luxurious lifestyle with travelers from around the world. Motivated by the potential for substantial income and the chance to meet diverse people, she transformed her property into a welcoming haven for tourists. Manal’s experience highlights the rewarding aspects of being an Airbnb host in Dubai, from the joy of receiving positive guest feedback to the satisfaction of contributing to Dubai’s thriving tourism industry. Her story exemplifies the blend of passion and entrepreneurial spirit driving the Airbnb boom in this dynamic city.

Manal's Journey

As a proud Emirati, I recently embarked on my dream venture in the realm of Holiday homes. For me, the UAE is not just a place; it’s a beacon of opportunity and diversity that captures the hearts of many who come here, often leading to lifelong stays. This multicultural haven demands tolerance and respect, emphasizing the importance of understanding and appreciating the country you visit. Here, respecting boundaries and fostering a harmonious environment for all is paramount.

My journey into Airbnb hosting stemmed from my own experiences as a solo traveller. Having extensively used Airbnb myself, I envisioned creating a space that would not only meet but exceed the expectations of my guests. It took me two years of apartment hunting and thoughtful planning to find the perfect balance between personal preferences and guest needs. 

The process of transforming a property into a welcoming retreat involved careful consideration of every detail—from choosing the right colors and furniture to their placement. It was a journey of learning and adaptation, guided by the bible principle of treating others as I would like to be treated, even though expectations may differ.

Business Bay

As a first-time investor, learning to detach from the emotional attachment to my property was challenging yet essential. Embracing seasonal renovations and updates, I aimed to offer a “home away from home” experience in the bustling city of Dubai—a sanctuary of comfort and inspiration for travellers.


Hosting has proven to be a deeply rewarding experience, unveiling the gift of hospitality that resides within our culture. Ensuring quality stays and guest satisfaction is my top priority, knowing that a memorable holiday depends on the care and attention they receive.

Location and accessibility are key factors that shape the guest experience. Providing comprehensive information upfront and offering assistance build a bond with guests even before their arrival. This proactive approach is not just a personal commitment but also aligns with the national role in promoting tourism and cultural exchange.

As the owner, I have personally undertaken the responsibility to manage the business entirely as licensed host, driven by a sense of purpose. There are various approaches to running Holiday home services hassle-free, including partnering with holiday home agencies (commission percentage varies 15-25%) or hiring hotel-standard cleaning services.

In closing, I invite you to explore my apartment for ideas or consider it for your next Dubai visit. Feel free to reach out with any questions or inquiries at cosymodern.dxb.holidayhome@gmail.com


Explore my Airbnb listing here: (Cosy Apartment, Business Bay)

Business Bay Area
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Dubai’s Real Estate Financing Options: Mortgages, Loans, and More

Dubai, the glimmering gem of the United Arab Emirates, has long captivated both investors and residents with its stunning skyline, luxurious properties, and thriving business landscape. However, owning a piece of this remarkable city can be a substantial financial endeavor. Thankfully, Dubai offers a plethora of real estate financing options that cater to diverse needs and aspirations. In this article, we will explore the various avenues for acquiring real estate in Dubai, from traditional mortgages to alternative financing solutions, enabling individuals to make informed decisions and turn their dreams of Dubai homeownership into a reality.

Dubai’s Real Estate Market Overview:

Before delving into financing options, it is essential to grasp the dynamics of Dubai’s real estate market. Over the years, the city has witnessed remarkable growth and development, attracting investors from around the globe. The government’s pro-business policies, tax incentives, and booming tourism industry have contributed to the city’s property market’s robustness. While this presents a lucrative investment opportunity, it also means property prices can be substantial, making financing an attractive avenue for many buyers.

Traditional Mortgages in Dubai:

One of the most common ways to finance a property purchase in Dubai is through a traditional mortgage. Numerous local and international banks offer mortgage options tailored to both UAE nationals and expatriates. These mortgages typically require a down payment, ranging from 20% to 25% of the property’s value for expatriates and lower for UAE nationals. The loan’s tenure can extend up to 25 years, making it a feasible option for those looking to spread their payments over an extended period. Interest rates can vary based on market conditions and the buyer’s creditworthiness.

Islamic Financing:

For those seeking financing options that align with Islamic principles, Dubai also offers Sharia-compliant alternatives. Islamic financing works on the concept of sharing profits and risks rather than charging interest. The most common form of Islamic financing in Dubai is the Ijara, where the bank purchases the property and leases it to the buyer for an agreed-upon period. The buyer pays rent during this time, and upon completion of payments, ownership is transferred to the buyer. Mudarabah and Musharakah are other forms of Islamic financing that are occasionally available.

Off-Plan Financing:

Dubai’s thriving real estate market often presents off-plan projects, enticing buyers with attractive payment plans. Off-plan financing involves purchasing a property before its completion, allowing buyers to secure units at a lower cost and pay in installments. Developers may offer flexible payment plans that require smaller initial payments and staggered payments throughout the construction phase. This option is particularly popular among investors looking for long-term capital appreciation.

Home Loans for UAE Nationals:

The UAE government extends support to its citizens through various home loan programs to promote homeownership. These loans often come with reduced interest rates, extended repayment periods, and flexible terms, making them an excellent choice for UAE nationals looking to invest in their country.


Dubai’s real estate market is a bustling landscape filled with endless possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or a first-time homebuyer, understanding the diverse financing options available is crucial for making informed decisions. From traditional mortgages to Islamic financing and off-plan opportunities, Dubai caters to a wide range of preferences. As always, it is advisable to conduct thorough research and seek advice from financial experts before committing to any real estate financing option. By doing so, you can confidently step into the world of Dubai’s real estate and embark on a journey of property ownership in this dazzling city.

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The Impact of Expo 2020 on Dubai’s Real Estate Market

Dubai, known for its architectural marvels and luxurious lifestyle, has been eagerly awaiting Expo 2020, one of the world’s most prestigious events. This global extravaganza is not only expected to attract millions of visitors but also leave a lasting impact on Dubai’s real estate market. In this article, we will explore how Expo 2020 is set to revolutionize the real estate landscape of Dubai, making it an even more attractive investment destination.

Increased Tourism and Demand:

Expo 2020 is projected to draw a massive influx of tourists and visitors from around the globe, estimated to be around 25 million. This surge in footfall will create a significant demand for accommodation, prompting developers to build new hotels, resorts, and serviced apartments. As a result, the real estate market in Dubai will witness an upswing, leading to increased property prices and rental rates.

Infrastructure Development:

In preparation for Expo 2020, Dubai has made substantial investments in its infrastructure. The government has developed new transport networks, including the expansion of the metro lines and the introduction of the Route 2020 project. These enhancements will improve accessibility to the Expo site and surrounding areas, making them highly desirable for both residents and investors. Consequently, the real estate market in these locations is expected to experience a surge in demand and property values

New Commercial and Residential Projects:

The need to accommodate the influx of visitors and capitalize on the event has spurred the construction of numerous commercial and residential projects. Developers are focusing on creating high-quality properties that cater to the needs of various market segments, including luxury apartments, commercial office spaces, retail outlets, and entertainment venues. These new developments will not only reshape Dubai’s skyline but also provide investors with a range of opportunities to diversify their portfolios

Business and Investment Opportunities:

Expo 2020 will serve as a global platform for businesses, fostering collaborations and attracting foreign direct investment. The event will host numerous conferences, exhibitions, and trade shows, providing opportunities for networking and showcasing innovations. As a result, Dubai’s real estate market will witness an increase in demand for commercial properties, particularly in business districts such as Dubai South and Dubai World Central. The heightened interest from international companies and investors will contribute to the overall growth of the real estate sector.

Post-Expo Potential:

The impact of Expo 2020 is not limited to the duration of the event. Dubai’s strategic vision extends beyond the closing ceremony, with plans to repurpose the Expo site into a sustainable urban district called District 2020. This mixed-use development will offer residential, commercial, and leisure spaces, creating a legacy for the city and ensuring the continued growth of the real estate market. Investors looking for long-term opportunities can consider investing in properties within this future-ready district.


Expo 2020 is set to leave a profound impact on Dubai’s real estate market. The surge in tourism, infrastructure development, and the creation of new commercial and residential projects will boost property prices, rental rates, and investment opportunities. As Dubai continues to position itself as a global hub for business, innovation, and luxury living, the city’s real estate market is poised for substantial growth in the post-Expo era. Investors and developers should seize this opportunity to capitalize on the event’s legacy and be a part of Dubai’s prosperous future.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes

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Investing in Property in Dubai as an Expat: Opportunities and Considerations

Dubai is a city that offers many opportunities for expats to invest in property. As a global hub for business and tourism, Dubai’s property market has grown rapidly in recent years. Here are some of the opportunities and considerations for expats looking to buy property in Dubai as an investment.

Strong Returns on Investment:

Dubai’s property market has been known to offer strong returns on investment, especially in the long term. With a steady stream of expats, investors, and tourists, demand for rental properties in Dubai remains high, ensuring consistent rental income for property investors.

Off-Plan Properties:

Dubai offers a range of off-plan properties, which provide an excellent investment opportunity for expats. Off-plan properties are often sold at lower prices than completed properties, providing an opportunity for investors to get in on the ground floor and enjoy capital appreciation over time.

Sometimes, there is a certain level of risk associated with the option of investing in off-plan properties. This is due to the uncertainty of the real estate market, which may result in delays in the completion of the property or community. As a result, some investors may be hesitant to purchase off-plan properties. However, it is worth noting that prices are relatively low during the build stage, and as the project reaches completion, property prices tend to rise.

Despite the potential risks, the same uncertainty can also present an opportunity for savvy investors. They can purchase the property during the build stage and sell it for a higher price once the project is completed

Read More The Rise of Off-Plan Properties in Dubai: What You Need to Know
Favourable Tax Environment:

Dubai offers a favourable tax environment for property investors, with no property taxes and no capital gains tax. This makes it an attractive destination for expats looking to invest in property and minimize their tax obligations.

Experienced Real Estate Agents:

Dubai has a large and experienced real estate community, with many agents specializing in working with expat investors. These agents can provide valuable guidance and advice on the property market, the buying process, and any legal and administrative requirements.

Foreign Exchange Risks:

One consideration for expat investors in Dubai is foreign exchange risks. As many expats earn their income in a different currency than the dirham, they may be exposed to currency fluctuations that can impact their investment returns.


Investing in property in Dubai as an expat can be a fantastic opportunity to generate strong returns on investment and enjoy the benefits of owning property in a thriving city. With a favorable tax environment, a growing property market, and experienced real estate agents, there are many opportunities available for expat investors. However, it is important to carefully consider the risks and opportunities associated with investing in property in Dubai, including foreign exchange risks and the potential for market volatility. By doing your research and seeking professional advice, expat investors can make informed decisions and maximize their returns on investment in Dubai’s vibrant property market.

Photo Credit: Christoph Schulz

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